Given everything that's been happening, I wanted to share why I dont discuss politics
As an Israeli, I know my nationality might make you feel unsafe (for some),
so here's why it's important not to judge me based on that.

My goal

My goal is to connect with people and share ideas.
Politics are mostly conterversial and involve where people come from,
What i am saying is that my goals conflict with what politics makes people think of others.

No discrimination

Judging people by their nationality is like judging people by the color of their skin,
People are more than what country they we're born in (or what they think of other countries).
For example...
You probably found this page on one of my internet profiles,
which means we have something in common more than politics

Respecting all views

We all have different political views,
some of us lean one way and some the opposite, most people stay neutral
by not discussing politics, i am avoiding future contreversies and respecting everyone